Since 1992

Since 1992

Since 1992

Our Foundation

Our Foundation

Our Foundation

about us

The origins of the 28twelve Foundation date back to the founding of the Harvey Fellows Program in 1992 under the direction of the Mustard Seed Foundation. In 2019, the 28twelve Foundation took over the Harvey Fellows program to continue the legacy of equipping and encouraging Christian leaders in strategic fields.

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no one needs to change the world
on their own.

We provide financial support to Christian students pursuing graduate studies at premier institutions with a vision to impact society through their vocations.

The Harvey Fellowship is a $16,000 stipend awarded through a competitive process. The stipend may be renewed for up to an additional two years.

If you would like to learn more about the Harvey Fellowship, including information on eligibility and the application process, please email us here.

Meet our Board

The 28twelve Board plays an integral role in the planning and operating of the program. Their primary goal is to strengthen the connections — virtual, invisible, and visible — between Fellows. The Board facilitates regional gatherings of Fellows, maintains an active prayer network among the Fellows, participates in the selection of new Fellows and advises the Foundation on all aspects of the program. It is comprised of six elected members who serve a three-year term.

The 28twelve Board plays an integral role in the planning and operating of the program.

The 28twelve Board plays an integral role in the planning and operating of the program. It is comprised of six elected members who serve a three-year term. Below is a list of current Board members.

  • Kristen Gustavson


  • Nathan Marshall


  • David Kurz


  • Laurena Ketzel-Kerber


  • Bruce Huber


  • Emmanuel Chang


  • Eugene Paul Kim


  • Jefferson Lee

  • Jennifer Jukanovich

  • Kristen Gustavson, PhD ’04


    Ex Officio

  • Nathan Marshall, PhD ’21


    Board Member

  • Laurena Ketzel-Kerber, MBA ’96


    Board Member

  • Bruce Huber, JD/PHD ’07



  • David Kurz, PhD ’16


    Board Member

  • Emmanuel Chang, MD ’04



  • Eugene Paul Kim, PHD ’01



  • Jefferson Lee


    Board Member

  • Jennifer Jukanovich, PHD


    Board Member

  • Kristen Gustavson


  • Nathan Marshall


  • David Kurz


  • Laurena Ketzel-Kerber


  • Bruce Huber


Our process


02 Integrate

03 Inspire


02 Integrate

03 Inspire


A phase where we dive deep into the essence of your brand. We conduct comprehensive research, analyzing market trends, consumer behaviors, and your company's unique positioning. Through collaborative workshops and in-depth discussions, we seek to understand your objectives, values, and aspirations.

Dom Pérignon vineyards from the sky

Primarily through the Harvey Fellows program, we identify and bless Christian scholars who are positioned to be leaders in strategic fields. At present and for strategic reasons, we focus on identifying graduate student leaders in fields where Christians have been traditionally underrepresented. Future plans include mid-career and late-career leaders.


In the Ideation phase, creativity takes center stage. Drawing from the insights gathered during Discovery, our multidisciplinary team engages in dynamic brainstorming sessions to generate innovative ideas and concepts. We encourage experimentation and exploration, pushing the boundaries of conventional thinking to unlock fresh perspectives and possibilities.

Dom Pérignon vineyards from the sky

We help Christian leaders integrate their faith and vocation. For example, our Summer Institute and Integration Conference each equip and ground scholar leaders with tools for Christian spiritual formation as they discern their vocational vision. Future plans include the launch of vocational working groups to support Christ-centered, world-changing work.


Where the vision comes to life with precision and passion. Leveraging our expertise and cutting-edge technology, we translate concepts into tangible assets with meticulous attention to detail. From flawless design execution to seamless project management, every aspect is carefully crafted to ensure quality and consistency.

Dom Pérignon vineyards from the sky

We aim to inspire Christian leaders of vocational courage and integrity though prayer, community gatherings, vocational relationships, and resources. Our mentorship program is pivotal to this endeavor for form leaders of character that can sustain the challenges of their calling.

“Our vocational Calling Should Never OutStrip OUr Christian character."

“Our vocational Calling Should Never OutStrip OUr Christian character."

Kristen Gustavson

Executi ve Director

Become a HArvey Fellow

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© The 28Twelve Foundation


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© The 28Twelve Foundation