The Harvey Fellowship

Terms & Conditions

The responsible entity (Controller) for the data processing regulated in this Terms Policy is the “28twelve Foundation” (hereinafter "we", "us“ or "28twelve Foundation”). The 28twelve Foundation is a US 501(c)(3) nonprofit.


The following are requirements to qualify:

Welcome to the 28twelve Foudation (“we”, “us”, or “our”). By applying to our Fellowship grant, you agree to be bound by these requirements. If you do not agree and / or fit these terms, you will be disqualified from consideration.

Christian Faith

All persons receiving support from the 28twelve Foundation must demonstrate personal faith in Jesus Christ and desire to serve and witness in his name. The Lausanne Covenant best articulates the theological vision of the 28twelve Foundation. All applicants must either affirm the Lausanne Covenant as an expression of their faith and theological understanding; OR submit a statement in their application articulating how their theological understanding differs from the Covenant. In addition, the Foundation expects to see a strong correlation between a successful applicant and involvement in his/her local church.

Graduate Study

An individual must be enrolled in or have applied to a full-time graduate program. The Fellowship is not awarded to individuals pursuing undergraduate degrees, post-doctorate or non-degree programs, or part-time studies.

Premier Institution

An individual must be attending or applying to a premier university — typically those with an internationally recognized reputation as a “top five” program in the specific discipline, or studying with an advisor (and/or team) who is an internationally recognized expert in their field — which will likely position the individual for a career in top companies, institutions and organizations worldwide.

Strategic Fields

An individual must be able to demonstrate that their intended vocational field has a significant impact on society, and yet appears to be underrepresented by Christians. We understand that these fields may vary in different countries or contexts as applicants come from and are planning to work in different countries around the world. Therefore the applicant is responsible to make a strong case for the strategic nature and underrepresentation of Christians in the field or context in their application.

Successful applicants tend to be preparing for careers in the following fields:

• Research, teaching, or administration

• Economics, business, and finance in public and private sector

• International diplomacy, security, and business

• Journalism and media

• Film production and visual and performing arts

• Public policy and federal, state, and major city government

• Applied and theoretical sciences

Vocations we do not consider a priority for this fellowship include: work within a church or religious organization, civil service, elementary and secondary education, Christian education, homemaking, farming, not-for-profit relief and economic development, military service, private practice law or medicine, clinical psychology or counseling, social work, professional sports, and other fields that traditionally have attracted a higher percentage of Christians. While we value these disciplines and those who work in them, the purpose of this fellowship is to encourage scholarship and vocational pursuits in areas of significant societal influence in which a Christian presence is perceived to be minimal.


• Description of his/her Christian faith and evidence of its strength and maturity

• Demonstrated ongoing commitment and accountability to the local church

• Articulation of the strategic nature of his/her vocational arena as a mission field

• Argument for the lack of a distinctive Christian voice in that field

• Demonstrated expertise within the discipline/field

• Demonstrated passion and ability to lead others

• Potential to impact people and systemic structures

• Ability to be successful in the chosen field of study, profession and cultural context

• Outstanding academic history


Each individual selected for the fellowship is awarded an initial stipend of $16,000. Fellows are free to use their stipends for legitimate educational expenses which further their vocational goals including tuition, living expenses, research tools or travel, studio space, professional conferences, and interview travel. The number of Fellowships awarded each year (both new and renewal) varies according to available funds of the 28twelve Foundation.

Stipends may be renewed for up to two additional years. Funding may be provided for a total of two years for most master’s programs and a total of three years for law and doctoral programs. Stipend payments beyond the first year are contingent upon the Fellow’s good academic standing, reaffirmation of the statement of faith and vocational goal as articulated in the student’s application, timely attendance at a Summer Institute, the approval of 28twelve Foundation, and funds available to the Foundation.


Summer Institute

A significant component of the Harvey Fellows Program is a Summer Institute where Fellows meet to explore together the integration of faith, learning, and vocation. The Institute offers a unique opportunity to build networks for future interaction and encouragement. Participants learn from the examples of outstanding individuals who are committed to Jesus Christ and to a life of serving Him through strategic vocations.

New Fellows are expected to attend the Summer Institute as soon as one is offered (Institutes are held every other year). Funding is contingent upon attendance at an Institute. The 28twelve Foundation pays program costs for the Institute. Fellows are responsible for transportation to and from the Institute and are required to stay for the duration. All Fellows are expected to participate in one Summer Institute.


The Biblical concept of stewardship is central to the way mature Christians organize and prioritize their lives, by emphasizing the fact that all that we have — time, talents, and financial resources — have been given to us by God for his glory.

In the selection of Fellows, the Foundation seeks to steward its resources to assist talented students to pursue the vocation to which God has called them. In return, the Foundation expects Fellows to continue to steward their lives to God’s glory and the building of his kingdom.

All Fellows, as available, are expected to participate in Fellows activities through the 28twelve Foundation. This includes, first and foremost, participating in the annual process of identifying and selecting new Fellows, but also includes other opportunities, such as sharing promotional materials with potential applicants.

Community and Service

The 28twelve Foundation encourages the fostering of ongoing relationships among Fellows. This is achieved primarily through participation in the Summer Institute. In addition, the Fellows themselves organize events and programs to maintain these relationships. The hope of these relationships is to provide encouragement and support to live out one’s faith and vocation, and to counter the isolation often experienced in graduate school and in one’s profession.

Senior Fellows (those having completed their degrees) are encouraged to serve as mentors to current Fellows. All Fellows are encouraged to actively foster and utilize the relational network and to thereby learn from each other as they pursue the vocations to which God has called them.

A select group of Fellows serves on the 28twelve Foundation Board of Directors. The Board facilitates regional gatherings of Fellows, maintains an active prayer network among the Fellows, and participates in the selection of new Fellows.

To be awarded a Fellowship, applicants must be selected from among other qualified applicants through a competitive application process. Less than 10% of those who apply are selected.

Please carefully review the application material provided on this website.

Applications are open and close in January. Recipients will be notified in June.


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